Content Style Guide

Ikon Pass Guidelines

Destination Website - Ikon Pass Standards


While the Ikon Pass is on sale (usually from early March to early December), destinations must have a homepage promotion that links directly to the Ikon Pass website.
Ikon Pass brand team provides the creative, and those assets must be used by the destinations.
On season pass or lift ticket pages, please include a promotion for the Ikon Pass and link directly to the Ikon Pass website.
Do not include pricing or access information on your pages. Please refer guests to the Ikon Pass website for the latest details.
Pass holder benefits
Please include any perks that are unique to your destination (either on your season pass page or a separate pass holder page). Please link to the Ikon Pass website for more details on universal benefits that apply at all or most destinations.
Brand Guidelines
Always use the full name for all products, never have Ikon on it’s own without Pass
DO: Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Base Plus Pass, and Ikon Session Pass
DON’T: Ikon season pass; Ikon and Base Pass
Product names in body copy should use title case
DO: the Ikon Pass
For titles/headlines, all caps is acceptable
Refer to people who have a pass as “pass holders”
Always two words
DO: Ikon Pass holder; Ikon Base Pass holder
DON’T: Ikon passholder

For additional Ikon Pass brand standards, .
For Ikon App 2.0 information, .
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