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Coda Tips

On this page:

Quick Tips
Deeper Dive topics
How to find Alterra Custom Templates
List of good youtube videos and other resources

Quick Tips

Bookmark pages via the ellipses icon in left nav - these bookmarks show up for you alone in the left nav at the top
Insert content line above/below via shish-kabob that appears on the left side of each line
Adding a line separator is easy via the command “/line” then select which one you want

Deeper Dives

Bonus - How to find Alterra custom Templates

click on Coda logo on top left
then on “Templates” on top right
then on “Alterra Mountain co” on bottom left
At the time of this writing the following templates exist that anyone can use
Alterra Project Template
Meeting Agenda Template
UX/UI Brief
Personal Daily Tracker

List of helpful youtube videos and other resources:

Other Helpful Guides
Helpful Youtube Coda content creators
Helpful Youtube videos

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.