This is the copy that appears above the list of tiles
Passes Included
This is where you add and remove your local passes or re-organize them to change the order that displays on the page
Content Blocks
This is the content at the bottom of the page that can direct people to view additional pass options or lift ticket information
Adding/Replacing an Image:
If you need to load in an image, you will see an empty spot for the background image. You can either drag a media item into the field, or click the “upload” button and select the file from where you saved it on your computer.
If there’s already an image in the hero spot, but you want to replace it with a new one, click the three dots to the right of the picture, and select “upload” to replace it with a file. Or you can click “clear field” and then drag your image in.
Editing an image:
After uploading an image, you can edit it with the crop tool to adjust the size and the focal point.
Make sure you add Alt text, which you can see in the field just below the image.
Adding/Removing a Pass from the List
If a pass needs to be added to the list of tiles displayed on the local pass landing page, click the “add item” button under the “Passes Included” section. A new reference will open where you can search for an existing pass product or create a new one if it’s one that hasn’t been created yet. (Note: Always search for a product first, just in case, as we want to avoid duplicating products as much as possible.)
When it’s time to remove a product from the list - due to it being off sale or no longer public facing - click the three dots on that pass component and click “remove” from the list of options. (Note: The trash can icon next to “Remove” is deceiving. Clicking “remove” does not delete the component completely from the CMS, it just removes it from the list.)
If you want to change the order of passes or content blocks, hover over the six dots to the left of the pass name or content name, and drag the block up or down in the list.
Local Pass Detail Pages
When you click the folder that says “Local Passes” only a list of local passes assigned to your resort will appear.
What you can edit on these pages:
Tile description
Benefit check marks
Promotional text (this appears as a blue flag on top of the tile - usually to promote an upcoming price increase or last chance to buy message)
Price label - this is what appears above the price (e.g. Adult Starting From)
Tile button text (e.g. Buy Anytime Pass)
Lead Text
Pass year
Title of the pass (e.g. the pass name)
Content Blocks
Editing Content Blocks
The columned content component is designed to allow for up to four columns of text. We tend to stick with one column, but sometimes use 2 or 3 when showcasing additional pass product prices (e.g. for military and college discounts).
Try to minimize how many content blocks you add to a page. You can put all copy into one column using markdown to separate sections. If there is content that will be shared across other pass product pages (e.g. F&B discount information), create a new content block for that copy so it can be added to other pages. If items are changed in one place, they will change everywhere they are used.
After you change the existing content, please use the comment feature to tag Cody, Vanessa or Gabii to review and add the updated copy to a French translation request.
Comments can be made on almost all fields, so please use this feature to call attention to all new content or changes that you have made.
Adding New Content Blocks
Most components will already be on a local pass page, but if you need to create a new content block or you’re building a new product page, you can click the “add item” link under the “content blocks” section, and select “columned content” from the list of options.
When you create a new content block, first add an entry title:
Then add the content you want into the first column. Hierarchy for these pages roughly follows this format:
Access details (valid dates, blackouts, night skiing)
Additional information
We know not every pass will have all of this information and some may have more, but try to follow this flow as best as possible, adding in other details where appropriate.
Reverting Content
If you update content on a page or a component that already existed, and you want to change it back, you can see previous versions of a page or a component, and restore that old content. Click the “latest version” dropdown in the upper right and select the date/time of the version you want to restore, and then click restore in the bottom right.
Text fields
Sanity uses markdown for it’s text editors
You can format copy using markdown or selecting from the options in the menu. You are limited to changing the heading size, making text bold or italics, adding bullet point or numbered lists, adding inline text links.
The eyeball icon is an internal preview tool so you can see how the text appears without markdown (basically how it will appear on the site).
The two column icon allows you to compare the backend markdown copy with the preview to see how it looks side by side. As you edit the content on the left, you will see the copy change on the right.
Some fields are hidden or cannot be edited:
SEO tabs - this content is controlled by the shared services team
Url - content controlled by shared services to preserve SEO. If the name of a product has changed and the url needs to be updated, please report that to Cody/Vanessa/Gabii and they can update it.
Formatting - these pages are formatted a very specific way, so all capabilities to change text orientation, background colors, text colors, etc. are disabled to maintain consistency across all pages.
Product ID - shared services team will enter the product ID provided by the AMP team
Affirm - the configuration for the Affirm callouts are very specific. If you want to have the Affirm price displayed in the pass tile or under the price drawer, let Cody/Vanessa/Gabii know, and they will set it up for you.
Publish button - this is deactivated for all resort users. When you feel good about your pass pages, let Cody/Vanessa/Gabii know and we can review it one more time and then schedule it to publish or push it live immediately if it needs to be up right away.
There are fields for French under every field that has English. Just ignore these, the shared services team will send out translation requests. The Tremblant team can enter their French translation directly into the fields.
When you have entered all your content and want to review the page, return to the Pass Page, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and select ‘Open Preview.’ To view the pass pages, you need to click the BUTTON in the pass tile, and it will open the page in staging.
You may be prompted for a password, this is what you should enter: slidemonkeybirchjeep
If you cannot see the content you want, make sure the url displays like this:
Also make sure there is a white box at the top of the page that says “preview mode active”
Hero Image size - 1920 x 1280 (no need for a mobile version)
Copy best practices:
Overview copy should highlight the big selling points of the product in a succinct way. Keep the overview to 3 sentences or less.
Content blocks are reserved for pass details like access (anytime, weekdays only, night skiing, etc.), restrictions (blackout dates), Other price options (military, college, nurse), special discounts or additional benefits (F&B, retail, add ons, first tracks, etc.)
Keep the tile intro copy short, 1-2 sentences tops.
The tile key benefits should not exceed 4 bullet points
All prices are pulled from AMP based on the configuration on the product ID.
Some other fields in the price drawer are also pulling from AMP - if something needs to be changed with a product name, age range, etc, that needs to be submitted as a request to Andy Villas and his team.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (