Monthly Scorecards

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Monthly Scorecard Breakdown

The Monthly Scorecard is a fun & healthy way to show competition among resorts.
The Digital Team updated the monthly scorecard to show more accurate results. Please see below for a breakdown of each section & ways to improve your score.
January 2024:
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 1.42.14 PM.png
Lowest Score
Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 1.25.06 PM.png
Highest Score

Section Breakdown

% of Organic Traffic

This is pulled from Adobe Analytics and measures the percentage of visitors that landed on your sites from unpaid sources.

DCI, QA & Accessibility

These are all pulled from SiteImprove.
Digital Certainty Index (DCI) measures the quality and potential impact of your site's digital presence, including its accessibility and usability, its credibility and trustworthiness, and how well-poised it is to respond to SEO challenges. The final DCI score is calculated as an overall score of points awarded in three categories: Accessibility, Quality Assurance, and SEO.
Quality Assurance (QA) is calculated by aggregating the results of your site's performance in the four categories: content quality, content freshness, security & user experience.
The Accessibility score is an indication of how accessible the selected site is. It's based on the site's performance in automated and semi-automated tests.

Average Search Ranking

This is pulled from Google Search Console and measures the average ranking of your website’s pages in Google search results for specific queries. A lower average position indicates that your pages rank higher in search results, while a higher average position means your pages rank lower.

Ecomm Conversion Rate (Including Passes)

This is pulled from Adobe Analytics and measures the percentage of visitors who purchased something from your site. The total monthly orders, including any off the Ikon Pass domain, are divided by your sites total monthly traffic.

Ecomm Rank

This ranks each resort’s Ecomm Conversion Rate against one another.

Resort to Ikon Pass Referrer % (RIR)

This is pulled from Adobe Analytics and measures the percentage of visitors who reached the Ikon Pass site through your domain. The total Ikon Pass referrers are divided by total monthly traffic.

App Engagement

This is pulled from the App Analytics spreadsheet that Arianna manages. Your LMA’s monthly active users (MAU) are divided by total lifetime downloads.
Palisades Tahoe App is not owned by our team. This requires data to be pulled from an external source.

App Rank

This ranks each resort’s App Engagement Score against one another.

Overall Score

Measures the average of your Organic Traffic Rank, DCI Rank, Ecomm Rank, App Rank & RIR Rank.

Power Rank

This ranks each resort’s Overall Score against one another.

Change in Position

This compares your resorts change in position from the previous month’s monthly scorecard.

Ways to Improve Scores

DCI, QA & Accessibility

Follow SiteImprove’s recommendations.
Under each dashboard, you’ll find a breakdown of issues affecting your resort’s site, what module they belong to, and how many points can be gained from resolving them.
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 2.55.00 PM.png

Average Search Ranking

Implement all items on your resort’s page optimization worksheet.
These recommendations use keyword proximity to bring more traffic to your site. The closer the keywords are to each other, the better the indexing and ranking of the site will be.
Please reach out to Karen or Gabii if you’d assistance with implementation.

Ecomm Conversion Rate & Ecomm Rank

Keep content concise, promoting the main value propositions of your products.
Pages should be simple and uncluttered. Make it easy for consumers to go through the purchase flow, don’t hide value props or CTAs amid unnecessary copy.
This is especially important if you have a lot of products. The less content consumers have to read through, the easier it is for them to determine which product they want and how to buy it.
Make sure content answers the primary user questions about products: what access it gets them, the restrictions it has (if any), and benefits.
Promote upsells and add-ons to build on the overall value of your products.

Resort to Ikon Pass Referrer Percentage

Always keep the Ikon Pass promo on your homepage.
Link back to the Ikon Pass site any time you’re talking about Ikon & local products.

App Engagement Percentage & App Rank

Organize tracking contests and hand out prizes to top contestants.
Contests can focus on typical leaderboard tracking (by vert, trails, etc.) or by badges.
For example, Blue Mountain has a few running right now for guests that track in app on weekdays.
Please submit a ticket to Arianna requesting an export on badges or tracking within a certain timeframe if you’d like to begin an app contest.

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