Mtn Powder

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Mtn Powder Release Notes

Release notes for MtnPowder API updates.

June 27th Release Notes

This release launched a two major features including:
Resorts are now able to schedule changes to their lifts in addition to Trails and Activities. This means that resorts can open/close, groom, in advance. This is especially helpful in the summer when a lift may only run on the weekend. The resorts would only need to schedule the closure and opening once and then not have to worry about open and closing it daily. With some setup this can take alot of stress of real time updates off the resorts.
To enable this in the Admin > Edit screen check the box for Enable Scheduled Updates from there consult this Loom video for how to enable it for your Lifts, Trails or Activities:
A new Ikon Pass feed has been developed that that removes the dependency with SnoCountry and we know get all of our historical, forward looking and gross lift and trail status’s from OpenSnow exclusively. This feature will provide the Ikon Pass app with much more reliable data for partner resorts in a consistant format as owned resorts for easy implementation for the IT team. A sample response from the API is below. If you would like an API key for access please reach out to Steven Hubert.
"Id": 56,
"ResortName": "Eldora",
"OperatingStatus": "Closed",
"LastUpdate": "2024-06-27T14:19:30-0600",
"BaseConditions": "N/A",
"MountainReport": null,
"TotalOpenTrails": 0,
"TotalTrails": 65,
"TotalOpenLifts": 0,
"TotalLifts": 10,
"SnowBaseRangeIn": null,
"SnowBaseRangeCm": null,
"SnowSeasonTotalIn": 0,
"SnowSeasonTotalCm": 0,
"TemperatureFHigh": 71,
"TemperatureFLow": 51,
"TemperatureCHigh": 22,
"TemperatureCLow": 11,
"SkiesNarrative": "Cloudy",
"SkiesIcon": "bkn",
"SnowLast24HoursIn": 0,
"SnowLast24HoursCm": 0,
"SnowLast72HoursIn": 0,
"SnowLast72HoursCm": 0,
"SnowLast5DaysIn": 0,
"SnowLast5DaysCm": 0,
"Forecast": {
"OneDay": {
"TemperatureFHigh": 68,
"TemperatureFLow": 44,
"TemperatureCHigh": 20,
"TemperatureCLow": 7,
"SnowForecastIn": 0,
"SnowForecastCm": 0,
"SkiesNarrative": "Scattered Thunderstorms. Scattered Thunderstorms",
"SkiesIcon": "tsra"
We added a number of new translations to French for the Tremblant team

May 22nd Release Notes

Please note we will be updating your dashboards to pull dynamic data from MtnPowder in regards to trail difficulty. Please log into MtnPowder and review your winter and summer difficulties to make sure they match your expectations.
You can find this section in the admin under edit resort and looks like the following:

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 10.37.24 AM.png
What you are doing is matching text label to the icon. For example a green circle could be Easy, Easier, Easiest depending on your resorts preference.

May 3rd Release Notes

This release features the introduction of the new Ikon Pass V3 Feed. This feed is purpose built for the Ikon Pass app providing the following sample endpoints concisely presented regardless of owner vs partner status.

"Id": 5,
"ResortName": "Winter Park",
"BaseConditions": "Spring",
"MountainReport": null,
"SnowBaseRangeIn": "77 - 81",
"SnowBaseRangeCm": "196 - 206",
"SnowSeasonTotalIn": 386,
"SnowSeasonTotalCm": 980,
"SnowForecastNext24In": 2,
"SnowForecastNext24Cm": 5,
"TemperatureF": 25,
"TemperatureC": -4,
"Skies": "Cloudy",
"Icon": "bkn.svg",
"SnowLast24HoursIn": 3,
"SnowLast24HoursCm": 8
Some logic rules for those used to working with the previous version of the feeds.
IDs are persistent and durable.
If information is not available instead of —, null is printed in the reply
Numbers are now number, strings are strings etc..
For owned resorts only the “default” station data is presented to make it consistant with partner resorts
Data for historical looking snow is currently from SnoCountry, but will be moving to OpenSnow as we continue to beta test their new API product. However this endpoint should remain the same with the exception of a possible addition of a field or 2 if the business finds it valuable.
An key will need to be delivered with the request. A sample non-production API is provided below so you can begin to look at the response.

Feb 27th Release v8.12.0

Added translations to Sold Out to be used as a new activity status counting as open.

Feb 21st Release v8.11.0

Update to NOT return ' h ' from the localize hours method.

Feb 14th ❤️ Release

Added new durable ID keys for Trails, Activities, and Mountain Areas. This is in addition to the existing Lift’s keys.
Provided Lifts/Trails are managed in Mtn Powder directly these keys have a direct mapping to the admin and are durable to use map to other data sets. When we pull in from 1Risk we are reliant on them maintaining the Lift/Trail name string identical. If they add a space, or a different letter we see that as a new Lift/Trail and will generate a new key for it.
Key’s are unique across all resorts. ie key 468 will always map to Mammoths Scenic Gondola even without the context of fetching Mammoths feed vs full firehose feed.
Examples from V3 feed:
Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 1.35.08 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 1.30.09 PM.png
Added new “Default” key to Current Conditions so a resort can set their default weather reporting area. Many resorts report on weather from more than one weather station. With this station resorts can select the default station to use and a new boolean has been added to the feed to support it.
Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 1.38.42 PM.png

Feb 7th Release

Due to breaking updates in Open Snow feed we needed to remove all time logic from OpenSnow feed forecast alert generation and only depend on what feed is returning

Feb 2nd Release

Added a new “AllMountain” section to the feed that takes the highest reported value across resorts base areas. This new section does not replace specific elevation reporting but rather provides an all mountain summary of the largest values across all reporting elevations.
Example from feed:
Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 1.41.43 PM.png

Feb 1st Release

Added three new activity icon shapes for Tremblant:

Jan 18th Release

Allow changes to current conditions to be scheduled for later
Setup ability for trail status changes to be scheduled for later
Setup mountain area item category translations for french language feed
Setup ability for activity status changes to scheduled for later
Nearly all snowfall now rounds to the nearest whole number

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