If your website contains the Aspenware eCommerce platform for tickets, lessons, rentals, and activities, you must follow these content guidelines for Sitecore product information pages (PIPs), Aspenware store configuration pages (PDPs), and the Pre-Arrival Guide within those product categories.
New Content Strategy
The Product Rationalization team established a structure for product pages to revamp our eCommerce funnel and content marketing strategy. This strategy contains deliberate decisions about when customers engage with specific types of content (discovery phase, booking phase, pre-arrival phase) and what content best converts the user from one step of the funnel to the next.
Conversion Funnel Step 1: Product Information Pages (PIPs)
All Sitecore PIPs must follow the provided templates, which feature simplified layouts and a streamlined handoff to the Aspenware category and detail pages.
PIPs are lower funnel conversion pages. They do not necessitate brand storytelling reserved for upper funnel pages (e.g. Homepage).
PIPs are high enough in the funnel that specific product details such as meeting points, height restrictions, age limits, etc. are not necessary.
We followed a few guiding principles for the copy and page layout. Please refer to these guidelines as you review the page content (as well as those contained in the
Purpose: To highlight the key benefits of the product and keep the page content focused. The page copy should progress the guest to the PDP, which houses more product details.
Limit the More Options Section to Six High-Revenue Products
Purpose: To generate revenue for your highest-selling products and simplify the shopping experience.
Example: We will only approve products that directly correlate to the page title (lesson products on the lesson page, lift ticket products on the lift ticket page, etc.).
Limit the FAQ Section to Value Propositions or Critical Purchase Information
Purpose: To provide guests with essential information that helps them make informed purchase decisions.
Each “More Option” Component Should Contain the Same Number of Lines
Purpose: To ensure all More Options components are visually aligned.
Page Layouts Will Only Contain Two eCommerce Cards
Purpose: To help users easily identify the product they desire and to simplify page navigation for users in the investigative phase.
Keep Copy to a Maximum of Two Sentences in the Dedicated Promotion Section
Purpose: To ensure quick comprehension of key promotion points and improve the information’s efficacy.
If a Product Is Not On Sale, Use the More Option CTA for Product Updates
Purpose: To maintain user interest even when products aren’t available.
More Options Header Components Must be the Product Title
Purpose: To help users quickly and easily distinguish between products and enhance page navigation.
Example: A Midweek Lift Ticket product must contain the header “Midweek Lift Tickets.” Avoid promotions, such as “Ski or Ride for $150” in the product header.
Notes About PIP Page Structure
PIPs have been simplified to create a clean look that’s easy to navigate. We’ve standardized the components used across all resort websites. Consistency will teach consumers where to look on each page for the information they need.
Notes for Lift Tickets & Passes/Lessons/Rentals PIPs:
Cross-sell opportunities will be available on Aspenware pages, but only for products also being sold through Aspenware.
We separated information like pass holder perks, Resort Charge, and insurance from the product details and moved them into the FAQ section.
We use standardized formats for date and time across all eCommerce pages, including within Aspenware, to support structured data format for third-party consumption.
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Date: October 10, 2023 - January 4, 2024; January 10-14, 2024; January 10 - February 4, 2024
Conversion Funnel Step 2: Store Configuration Pages (PDPs)
What is Product Rationalization?
The eCommerce team went through a rationalization process to increase efficiency in product design, build/optimize product configurations, and create standardization and structure to improve the guest’s purchase experience.
Product Rationalization did not change or remove product offerings, product times/duration, access, requirements, and ages. Some product names were adjusted to accommodate category standardization.
Top and Bottom Copy/Content Purpose
Top and bottom sections of PDPs should only host critical information needed to move guests forward with their purchase.
Top Copy should coax guests into the product attributes (age, discipline, date) phase.
The Bottom Content provides asterisk-like details, including cancellation policies, or requirements to know before booking.
Information users don’t need until after they purchase should live on the Pre-Arrival Guide.
Top Copy Guidelines
Content must follow all guidelines contained in the
Guideline: Limit the Top Copy section to a maximum of four sentences.
Purpose: To persuade the guest to buy with concise copy that conveys the most important selling points.
Vary Sentence Length
Guideline: Limit sentence length to 20 words where possible. Follow longer sentences (20-25 words) with shorter ones (10-15 words) to keep the reader engaged.
Purpose: Varying sentence length breaks up the monotony of the paragraph and maintains reader interest.
Example to Correct:
Original: All discounted concert tickets are available for all active duty, retired, and civilian personnel as well as for legal dependents of Active Duty personnel and you can buy them online or in-person.
Revised: Discounted concert tickets are available online or in-person for all active duty, retired, and civilian personnel. Legal dependents of active duty personnel are also eligible.
Shorten Paragraphs, Sentences, and Words
Guideline: Shorten text to make it more concise and clear. Remove unnecessary words and phrases.
Purpose: Concise text is easier to read and understand.
Example to Correct:
Original: Enjoy over 20 miles of scenic hiking trails that offer a mix of challenging climbs and gentle slopes. Our trails are well-marked and maintained to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for hikers of all levels. From the forested paths to the open meadows—even the iconic "Sunset Ridge"—there’s something for everyone.
Revised: Enjoy over 20 miles of hiking trails with challenging climbs, gentle slopes, and scenic views. Our well-marked and maintained trails offer safe, enjoyable experiences for all levels. From forested paths to open meadows, including the iconic "Sunset Ridge," there’s something for everyone.
Avoid Redundancies
Guideline: Do not repeat the same selling points within a paragraph. Each point should be unique and add value.
Purpose: Eliminating redundancies makes the text more direct and impactful.
Example to Correct:
Original: Improve your cooking skills in our hands-on culinary classes with professional chefs. These classes improve various techniques—including knife skills, flavor balancing, and plating presentation—while you prepare gourmet dishes using fresh, local ingredients.
Revised: Improve your cooking skills in hands-on classes with professional chefs. Learn techniques like knife skills, flavor balancing, and plating while preparing gourmet dishes with fresh, local ingredients.
Avoid Filler Words and Clutter
Guideline: Remove unnecessary words that do not add value to the text. Use clear and direct language.
Purpose: Streamlining the text makes it more readable and engaging.
Example to Correct:
Original: If you’re a seasoned photographer, our Advanced Workshops can refine your skills in landscape and portrait photography. Expert instructors will teach you composition, lighting, post-processing techniques, and more to elevate your photography. Explore stunning locations with our instructors and capture unique and breathtaking images.
Revised: Seasoned photographers will refine their skills in our Advanced Workshops. Expert instructors teach composition, lighting, and post-processing to elevate your photography. Explore stunning locations and capture unique, breathtaking images with our instructors.
Limit Top Copy to Selling Points
Guideline: Reserve product requirements and cancellation policies for the bottom content section. Top copy should focus on selling points.
Purpose: Keeping the top copy focused on selling points enhances its persuasive power.
Use Active Voice
Guideline: Replace passive voice with active voice where possible.
Purpose: Active voice makes the text more dynamic and engaging.
Example to Correct:
Original: Group lessons will be conducted by expert coaches to improve your biking skills.
Revised: Expert coaches conduct group lessons to improve your biking skills.
Bottom Content Guidelines
Limit Bottom Content to Bulleted Items
Guideline: Use bulleted items for bottom content, limiting each bullet to two sentences. Separate cancellation policies from other bullets.
Purpose: Bulleted items make the information easy to scan and understand.
You must wear a helmet and pads while riding.
Lessons are available for beginners and advanced riders.
Cancellation policy: A 24-hour notice is required for a full refund.
End Bullet Points with Periods When They Are Complete Sentences. Omit Periods if You Use Fragments or Single Words.
Purpose: To maintain consistency and clarity in bullet points.
Either Use Complete Sentences for Bullet Points or Fragments. Don’t Use Both.
Purpose: To maintain consistency and clarity in bullet points.
If You Use Fragments for Bullet Points, Ensure They Make Sense
Purpose: To avoid confusion about what the bullet point conveys.
Networking opportunities available throughout the day which include breaks, lunch, and post-event reception
Networking opportunities available throughout the day during breaks, lunch, and post-event reception
Avoid Post-Purchase Details in Bottom Content
Guideline: Do not include post-purchase details such as meeting times, directions, or what to pack for lunch in the Bottom Content section.
Purpose: Keeping the Bottom Content section free of logistical details maintains its focus on asterisk-like product details that could potentially deter a guest from completing their purchase.
Original Text:
Meeting time: 3:00 PM at the main lodge
Bring a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, and a water bottle.
Directions to the lodge: Take Route 45 North, turn left onto Maple Drive, and follow the signs.
Cancellation policy: Full refund if canceled 7 days before the retreat; 50% refund if canceled 3-6 days before; no refund for cancellations within 2 days.
Revised Bottom Content:
Cancellation policy:
Full refund if canceled seven days before the retreat
50% refund if canceled three to six days before
No refund for cancellations within two days.
By adhering to these guidelines, content becomes clearer, more engaging, and easier for readers to process.
Conversion Funnel Step 3: Pre-Arrival Pages
The purpose of the Pre-Arrival guide is to provide a single location for all the product details excluded from PIPs and PDPs. It is comprised entirely of informational content relevant to guests who have already purchased products. You can also direct guests to helpful tools, such as your resort app, mountain information, and other helpful pages.
Pre-Arrival Content Guidelines
Content must be uniformly formatted.
Content must follow all guidelines contained in our
You must use accordion components to display content.
Organize instructional content in a consistent format.
Content available elsewhere on the site (such as operation hours or first-timer guides) is not allowed on the Pre-Arrival Guide. You can mention the information and link to the appropriate pages but we do not want to repeat content that already exists elsewhere on your site.
During the overlapping season, we will include separate sections for winter and summer. During the winter, we will only display the winter product details. During the summer, we will only display the Summer product details.
Resort content teams should reciprocate the cross-promotion on informational pages, sending people to the pre-arrival guide after they purchase.
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